Hello SHPM Students,

Are you looking for an opportunity to enhance your CV and your undergraduate experience? You can now become a Section Editor or a Reviewer for the Healthy Dialogue Journal!

 Healthy Dialogue is an annual publication that publishes outstanding papers of undergraduate students in the School of Health Policy & Management. We are now accepting applications for two Healthy Dialogue Positions - Section Editors or Reviewers for this year. On voluntary basis, students can facilitate the publication process, along with Co-Editors-in-Chief.

To submit your application and to get more information, view the "Application for Healthy Dialogue Position" tab on the top right hand corner of the home page. Such involvement looks great on your CV, specifically when you are applying for a job and graduate programs. Stand out and volunteer for Healthy Dialogue!

The deadline to apply for these positions is 
January 7, 2014.

Visit our Healthy Dialogue Website: http://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/yujhs/index

Direct link to the application: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dGs3RWVaRVNkbU5wVF9VSjhuRjViS2c6MQ#gid=0


Did you know that you can now get your paper(s) published in the Healthy Dialogue Journal? 
We are 
accepting papers from students in the School of Health Policy and Management for 2013-2014. The deadline to submit papers is January 2, 2014. Please review Author Guidelines prior to submitting any paper. Here is the link:http://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/yujhs/about/submissions#authorGuidelines


Warmest Regards,
Jaspreet Kaur 

Master of Science Student: Health Services Research | IHPME| U of T
Research Trainee| Health System Performance Research Network 
Co-Editor-in-Chief| Healthy Dialogue 
Co-Chair| Students for Medicare 
Co-Lead Conference| University of Toronto Institute of Healthcare Improvement Chapter