Hello and Happy New year
I thought I would take a moment and do a poll with all of you for RMMLA.
I am thinking of not having a panel at the 2014 RMMLA conference which will be in Boise, Idaho.
I am thinking of taking the bus or another cheap mode of transportation to get there, and work the whole time, unless I can get 3 people who are dying to give a paper on a panel there, and are committed to paying the membership and conference
I say that part as I have had people say yes they will be on the panel, but then when I let them know about the membership and conference fees, they change their minds.
So, anyway, if there are 3 people, I would have a Twain misc panel.
Otherwise, I’ll skip 2014 and have one in 2015.
Please let me know either on the forum or to me personally what you think.
J (nicely) ;)