AVPreserve announces the release of a new free resource, *9 Things to
Consider when Assessing Cloud Storage
 *(http://www.avpreserve.com/avpsresources/papers-and-presentations/) by
Consultant Seth Anderson. Part of our new initiative *Feet on The Ground: A
Practical Approach to The Cloud*, *9 Things* outlines nine important areas
to review when assessing cloud storage providers, offering background on
the importance of the topic areas and a series of questions to address for
each one.

Many organizations lack the necessary resources and support to provide
preservation level digital storage internally, and cloud storage must be
seriously considered as an option. Our Feet on The Ground initiative is
aimed at providing resources to institutions so they can make practical,
informed decisions regarding cloud services. This first paper will be
followed by a series of summary reviews of several cloud storage providers,
with regular updates and additions as the market changes. These and other
resources can be found on our Papers &
Feedback is welcome on these resources and other areas you'd like to see

Joshua Ranger
350 7th Ave, Suite 1605
New York, NY 10001

office: 917-475-9630
mobile: 347-241-2920


Iona McCraith
Archives Advisor
Archives Association of Ontario
work:705-277-1309  Cell: 705-772-1309
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