I have completed recording and video production for my audio/video
version of Mark Twain's book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
Court. Here is a link to the YouTube playlist for those of you so
inclined. This is not a professional production and the actual
recordings took place over a two year span, with a break between October
2012 and March 2014. There are inconsistencies and errors in the reading
but I have tried to remain true to my own impression of how Twain might
tell the tale out loud.


These videos can also be found on my website at:

This is not of a commercial nature but merely for passion for the
subject.  Any ads that show up are put there by YouTube.  I've never
received a penny from any of my videos.

 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
                          in your philosophy.