Mark Twain set off on his Following the Equator tour with a number of
lectures across the North American continent, both US and Canadian
stops.  He doesn't mention them in the book but they did allow him to
refresh his oratory skills and perhaps not hate lecturing so much.  He
showed great resiliency and discipline seeing as how he was suffering a
nasty carbuncle that didn't heal up until he found an Australian doctor.
At least this is what I found in Autobiography of Mark Twain V1.

Anyway, I have mapped his North American lecture locations in Google
Maps for anyone interested.  I got the
location and dates from David Fears' Mark Twain Day By Day.  I purchased
the PDFs for the two years, 1895 and 1896.  I have not included much
detail in the site descriptions but there are a lot of stories to be
told here.  These are only the locations from Paris, France to Victoria,
Canada.  I will continue on with this project as time allows.