Larry and All, 

I just want to also say how much I appreciate these posts.  I'm learning things I never knew and I'm interested in all things Twain. What a wealth of knowledge you have. And if the answer isn't readily available, one of you will surely find it.

Another reason I'm answering Larry's post is because I too will be helping Hal Holbrook celebrate his 90th birthday Feb.17. I will be sitting somewhere in the vicinity of Cindy Lovell. I would love to meet fellow lurker, Larry and any of you that may be there. I have never seen his portrayal of Mark Twain and am so looking forward to it. 

Susan Bailey
The Twain Shall Meet

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Larry Dann <[log in to unmask]> </div><div>Date:11/04/2014  10:47 AM  (GMT-05:00) </div><div>To: [log in to unmask] </div><div>Cc:  </div><div>Subject: Mark Twain Tonight and a note of appreciation </div><div>
</div>I apologize for this being off-topic in regard to the current discussion.
As a long time lurker to the Twain Board and an infrequent contributor, I'd l=
ike to express to everyone on here how much I appreciate the discussions, in=
depth Twain insights and knowledge presented by the board members that just=
can't be found elsewhere. I'm not a scholar by any means, but my love of Mr=
. Clemens works is so enriched with the discussions here. Thanks to you all!=

I am especially excited to have gotten my tickets for Mark Twain Tonight wit=
h Hal Holbrook at the Bushnell in Hartford.=20
Seeing Mr. Holbrook as Twain is an event that I thought that I would never g=
et to experience. The thought of being able to sing Happy Birthday to Mr. Ho=
lbrook on his ninetieth birthday, with hundreds  ( thousands?) of other fans=
, in Hartford, thrills me beyond words.

This is a bucket list item that I thought I'd never be able to cross off.=20=

Cheers to you all and thank you for all of your amazing insights and discuss=

Warmest regards

Larry Dann

Now back to the lurking, currently in progress...=