I think the University of California at Berkeley controls literary rights, but I believe Yankee in King Arthur's Court to be public domain material based on its date of publication.

Scott Holmes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The site claims to represent the estate of Mark Twain and controls all
>use of his likeness, etc. for business purposes.
>Given that almost all of his work is in public domain, what do they
>actually control.  Are they, in fact, just posers.  The site is not
>particularly impressive as web sites go.
>I am curious because I've developed a audio/video book of "A Connecticut
>Yankee in King Arthur's Court" on a 32GB flash drive that I'm hoping to
>market.  It contains an icon of a rather well worn photo of Twain.  As
>far as I know, all my materials are public domain