Dear Ramzi,  
  Thank you for the suggestion! I have read Amadae's book and indeed it has an interesting chapter on Public Choice but its focus seems to lie elsewhere. For that reason, other great recent books on the history of rational choice are also not what I am looking for. I suppose in regard to Social Choice, the   Social Choice and Welfare  issue  comes closest to a wider coverage but I was wondering if there existed a book that treats the material more coherently. I mean as a single study as opposed to collected articles from various authors on various issues. In regard to Contract Theory, any suggestions are appreciated as the most I have encountered are brief historical treatments in 'recent contributions' review articles.
  Thank you again,  Marina 

-------- Оригинално писмо --------
От:  Ramzi Mabsout  
Относно: Re: [SHOE] History of Social Choice Theory and Contract Theory
До: [log in to unmask]
Изпратено на: Неделя, 2014, Декември 21 21:19:42 EET

Dear Marina , The book by SM Amadae Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy

fits your description of what you need. 


On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Марина Узунова  [log in to unmask] > wrote:

> Dear all,


> I was wondering if anyone could recommend an exhaustive book-length study on

> the history of Social Choice Theory or Contract Theory. I am aware of the

> numerous review and single-issue articles as well as the special issue of

> Social Choice and Welfare (2005, 25 (2-3)) on the former but have so far

> failed to find a larger historical monograph devoted entirely to either of

> the two topics. Any suggestions or guides would be most welcome!


> Thank you in advance,

> Marina Uzunova