The 15th Summer Institute for the Preservation of the History of Economics
will be held at the University of Richmond, June 5-8, 2015.  The Institute
offers a forum for graduate students and distinguished scholars to present
work in progress or more polished papers to a lively audience. Our mission
is to help young scholars connect in a workshop setting with young and
eminent scholars in the field.  Past speakers include Brad Bateman, Mauro
Boianovsky, Marcel Boumans, the late James Buchanan, Dave Colander, Evelyn
Forget, Dan Hammond, Samuel Hollander, Kevin Hoover, M. Ali Khan, Anthony
Laden, David Levy, Charles McCann, Deirdre McCloskey, Steve Medema, Phil
Mirowski, Leon Montes, Mary Morgan, Maria Pia Paganelli, Sandra Peart,
Malcolm Rutherford, the late Warren Samuels, Eric Schliesser, the late
Gordon Tullock, Anthony Waterman, and Roy Weintraub.

For the 2015 session, we invite proposals on any topic in the history of
economic thought. New participants are welcome, as are recommendations and
submissions from any and all interested parties. We welcome suggestions and
proposals in any area of the History of Economics.

 New work on Adam Smith is always welcome.

We continue our interest in the London School of Economics and Thomas
Jefferson Center at the University of Virginia. Ronald Coase provides the
most obvious connection between the two.

In 2012 we were enormously fortunate to have two fine papers on Neville
Keynes who was both an important economist and an important logician.
 Might we hope for more papers considering workers in the intersection
between economics and logic?

Now that natural experiments are widely used for identification of
econometric models, we’d encourage papers on the history of natural
experiments. John Snow’s work on cholera and the Milton Friedman-George
Stigler use the SF earthquake as an exogenous shock to the housing market
are common knowledge. But those are hundred years apart; is there anything
in the gap?

We anticipate that the Institute will be able to offer honoraria for
presenters and students. Participation by upper-level undergraduate and
graduate students in economics or related disciplines is encouraged.

Conference events include good coffee and continental breakfasts, lunches
and several dinners. Details about travel, housing and other matters will
be posted early in 2015.

Please send expressions of interest, topics of interest, paper proposals or
queries to:

David M. Levy, Professor of Economics, George Mason University
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Sandra J. Peart, Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
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