Dear SHOE Members,


A new position at the lecturer/senior lecturer level has become available at the Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Goldsmiths, University of London. Please see the attached link:,3971549861&key=106029749&c=86686523342368&pagestamp=setdoemacjunjeidei

Academics working on HET, economic methodology, as well as mainstream and heterodox economic theory are invited to apply. The ideal candidate is expected to form interdisciplinary teaching and research links within the department and with the wider academic community of Goldsmiths. Candidates are expected to be able to teach Methodology of Economics and Intermediate Micro or Macro. The appointment will also help shape new courses in economics at the expanding IMS, with a view to create a BA in Economics in the near future.


For any further information regarding the position please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.




Constantinos Repapis

Lecturer in Economics, Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London.