Dear list members,

     Some days ago I diffused the information on the MEGA conference to be held in Tokyo from the end of this month.

     The papers to be presented there are now uploaded on the following site of Prof. Kenji Mori of Tohoku University:

    Some papers are not yet up and most of them are protected by PW. Those who want to view them will be informed of PW on demand to me by mail.

       Sincerely yours
       Susumu Takenaga (Daito Bunka University, Tokyo)

 International Conference     MEGA and Marxian Discourses on Economic Crises

Date: February 27 (Friday) to March 1 (Sunday) 2015

Venue: Surugadai Memorial Hall

               3-11-5 Kandasurugadai,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8324, Japan

( <>)

   Room: 510, 560

Organizers: Kenji Mori (Tohoku University)

Susumu Takenaga (Daito Bunka University)

The conference is supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science (KAKENHI 23423035 and 23330069), Graduate School for Economics and Management, Tohoku University and Keiwaka Foundation, and Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Marx-Engles-Forschers Japan.