Toledo Blade December 16, 1884
Twain and Cable, -- The audience that greeted these unique entertainers
was not large, but it was an intelligent and discriminating one.  Mr.
Clemen's droll humor delivered in the funniest manner kept the audience
in a constant giggle, and Mr. Cable's masterly delivery of striking
extracts from his novel, "Dr. Sevier" held the hearers attention and
carried them through the scenes of the imaginary recital.  Mark Twain is
a prime funny man and he is just as funny on the stage, in words, tones,
gestures and attitudes, as he is in his books, and Mr. Cable is sure of
being rated as an artiste in elocution as well as a fascinating
novelist.  The entertainment was undoubtedly greatly enjoyed by the
people present, who were only sorry that it was not longer.

I received an image of a clipping of this review from:
Local History and Genealogy Department
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
325 N. Michigan Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604

"I found 2 articles, one on the 15th and one on the 16th.  The theaters
did not have advertisements; those were all for merchants.  The articles
refer to Wheeler's which was known as Wheeler's Opera House.  I checked
our collection of theater programs but did not have any for Twain's


 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
                          in your philosophy.