I saw this from a Google News feed, " The following items were taken
from the May 16 through 22, 1915, Examiner (Eastern Jackson County)." 
• B.F. Finn, the original “Huckleberry Finn” of Mark Twain's book, has
just celebrated his 90th birthday at his ranch on the McKenzie River
near Portland, Ore. He has a vivid recollection of Mary Twain, with whom
he worked on a Mississippi steamboat, but says Twain really didn't get
much from himself of what he wrote about Huckleberry Finn except the
name. “He and I both worked on the steamer Shotwell, running out of St.
Louis. I was nicknamed 'Huckleberry', and Clemens seemed to take a fancy
to the name. Tom Sawyer was my chum, but I was well grown up before
Clemens knew me.”