Orion never mentions Carson Sink Station, Tuesday, Aug 13.—"Arrived at
Carson Sink where Carson river loses itself. It is a beautiful lake, 25
miles long by 15 wide, and 60 miles from Carson City."  This tells me
they passed north of Carson Lake, whereas Burton:  
"Round the S side of the lake to the sink of Carson River Station, no
provisions; pasture good; fuel scarce
23. Cross a long plain. Ascend a very steep divide and sight Sierra 50
miles distant
Descend to Carson River
Fort Churchill newly built
Sutler's stores, etc."

Carson Sink, as a geographic feature is much larger than either men has
described, although Burton seems aware of its nature as an endorheic

The locations of stations I've mapped for my project have come
primarily from a study conducted for the National Park Service.  They
distinguish between Ragtown and the Carson Sink Station.  A page with
my mapped locations is at http://twainsgeography.com/node/682  The map
can be enlarged and all the station locations are links.  The NPS site
is at  

 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
                          in your philosophy.