I read in The Mark Twain Annual, p. 17:

...in January 1906, when Isabel Lyon lent him "a little book sent me by Belle Greene-"
There is a Belle da Costa Greene in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_da_Costa_Greene); I wonder if she would send such a book; she was "the librarian to J.P. Morgan" so she obviously dealt with and was familiar with books.
Yet, there is another (albeit admittedly unlikely) possibility, that would interest me personally: my great-grandmother was Belle Green (no "e" appended to the surname). She was born Meyers, but became Green (by marriage) prior to 1906.
The Meyers and Greens lived in Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas.
Does anybody here know for sure if the "Belle Greene" who sent a book to I. Lyons is the one who has a Wikipedia page dedicated to her? Or otherwise know just who she was?
My maternal great-grandmother was Virginia Belle (Meyers) Green, but was known as "Belle." - B. Clay Shannon