Wow!  Smart kid.  But I don't understand that you have Bird version.
Is it actually published yet?

Arianne Laidlaw

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Taylor Roberts <[log in to unmask]>

> Tonight I read John Bird's version of Prince Oleomargarine to my
> 10-year-old son Tomas in a single go before bed. I tried to stop at
> the natural half-way mark and resume tomorrow, but my son wanted to
> hear the whole story.
> Tomas likes John Bird's version better. While he could not articulate
> why (he was tired, should a 10-you be going to bed at 10pm on a school
> night?!) he identified many of the differences between John's version
> vs. the Stead version.
> In response to the ending of John's version, with MT as frame
> narrator, my son concluded, "Mark Twain is pretty smart. He knows what
> we're doing."
> And I hoe you have a good night too! :)
> Taylor

Arianne Laidlaw A '58