Colin Soskolne, the past-Chair of the International Joint Policy 
Committee of the Societies of Epidemiology (IJPC-SE) is championing a 
"founding donors" effort in which the are rounding up at least 500 
founding donors (donating as little as US $10) to establish a basis for 
going for foundation funding. Here is the appeal from Colin. His contact 
information is at the bottom of this email.

This is a modest founding donor appeal for establishing the 
/International Joint Policy Committee of the Societies of 
Epidemiology/ (IJPC-SE). Our medium-term goal is to establish an 
endowment such that the /Joint Policy Committee/ (as we affectionately 
refer to ourselves) can survive off the investment income as an enduring 
counterweight to ideological and/or moneyed influence in policies 
impacting health. Before these applications to foundations are 
submitted, our immediate goal is to have at least 500 *founding donors*. 
Presently at 383, we need at least another 117 new donors.

So, without I hope appearing too crass, please help a little by donating 
as little as US $10 at the following link With a major credit card in front 
of you, the whole process should take no more than 2 minutes to do; 
PayPal is also an option. Having your names on the founding donor list 
will also encourage others to donate as a mechanism to demonstrate 
solidarity with our mission​ (see 
<>)​. In addition, if you can, please encourage 
those in your networks (i.e., colleagues, family and friends) to also 
support us as this will be a great help in securing our future. We need 
as many individuals to donate as possible before we can start to 
approach philanthropic foundations; the larger our founding donor pool, 
the more competitive and credible will be our applications to these 

I remain hopeful that at least another 117 *founding donors* will be on 
board by year-end to bring us to the 500 level such that I then can, in 
January, start the process of applying with credible and competitive 
applications to philanthropic foundations to establish the needed 
endowment. After that is accomplished, I then plan to get back to doing 
more epidemiology and less fundraising! All the help that you and your 
networks can provide by encouraging donations as small as US $10 each 
will be welcome at We are getting 
there, one donation at a time! If you are interested to see who has 
donated, with our policy on transparency, all donors are visible at this 
link and then on the DONATIONS TO DATE button.

All the best for the Season and throughout 2018!​

Colin L. Soskolne <>, Ph.D.
Professor emeritus, University of Alberta, Canada
Adjunct Professor, Health Research Institute, University of Canberra, 
Fellow, American College of Epidemiology
Fellow, Collegium Ramazzini

URL: <>
Mobile: +1 (780) 966-6498
​Landline: +1 (514) 281-0314​

Immediate Past-Chair, IJPC-SE <>
Chair, IJPC-SE Development Committee 

/Health for all through ethical, independent and transparent science

Posted by: Sam Lanfranco

"It is a disgrace to be rich and honoured
in an unjust state" -Confucius
Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
Econ, York U., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - M3J 1P3
email:[log in to unmask]    Skype: slanfranco
Phone: +1 613-476-0429 cell: +1 416-816-2852

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