_The Desplazados_. By Martin Zehr. Pp. 319. ZenRider Press (2017). ISBN:
978-0-9987583-0-5. $16.99.

In 2017 Martin Zehr joined the ranks of Mark Twain scholars who have
published works of fiction. Zehr's debut novel is steeped in Mark Twain
influences ranging from chapter epigraphs to references to teaching
_Huckleberry Finn_. Rather than a long Mississippi river journey on a raft,
Zehr's protagonist travels a concrete highway on a motorcycle across
America and encounters a variety of unforgettable characters -- "the
displaced" in American society. Issues of race and ethnicity abound and
will resonate with many readers who find parallels to Twain's works as well
as today's political climate in America.  Kirkus Reviews described the book
as "a story of reawakening and self-acceptance, well worth the trip."

The amazon link for this book is:
