I looked into LibriVox a few years ago, as an exercise in developing
digital media.  My own submission of The Innocents Abroad is buried
somewhere in their library.  At the time I was reminded of the final
scenes from Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 - people no longer read and to
keep literature alive books were committed to memory - played back in
audio as it were.  In our current days many people cannot or at least
do not read books, they watch movies - which almost invariably leads to
a degradation of the written material: that is when the movie is
derived from a literary source.  I applaud the efforts of the LibriVox
staff and their efforts to keep this material available - right there
along with The Gutenberg Project.
 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
                          in your philosophy.