Larry (He insisted) was very generous and encouraging to me in my earlier
amateur Twain studies, something that always stuck with me. When I finally
got to meet him in Elmira we had a chance to discuss our sagebrush-related
interests, and his enthusiasm was infectious- that was HIS warning, and he
was, of course, spot on.  A sad day, of course, but I'm guessing I'm only
one of many with a fond memory of his open support for a rank beginner in
the community of Twainians.
Martin Zehr

On Sun, May 20, 2018, 6:20 AM Joseph Csicsila <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> Gail Berkove informed me that Larry passed yesterday afternoon. His funeral
> service will be on Tuesday at Hebrew Memorial Chapel in Detroit.
> Joe Csicsila