I have mapped the major locations of Twain's travels through India in
1896 in my on going project Twain's Geography.  

I still have quit a bit of work left to fill in all the details and I
don't pretend to think that the railway routes precisely locate the
Indian railways of 1896, but they are a good approximation based on
Google Earth.  I have been using the works of David Fears, Robert
Cooper, Richard Zacks and Ian Strathcarron as well as Wikipedia for
location and date information.

My site is set up to receive comments from registered users although
anyone can contact me with the general "Contact Us" function.  If you
have an Google+ account you can register with that.  You can also
request an account through the site's usual registration functions but
this will require administrative approval.
 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
                          in your philosophy.