It is with deep personal regret that I inform you of Eric Olin Wright's death. Eric died after a long struggle with leukemia in Madison, Wisconsin where the worked for decades. His empirical and theoretical contributions to Marxian class analysis and Marxian sociology in general have influenced researchers in the field of social inequalities in health. Eric was exceptionally brilliant, kind and generous. He will be missed.

Carles Muntaner PhD MHS
Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Dalla Lana School of Public Health ,Dept. of Psychiatry and Center for Urban Health Solutions, St Mike's Hospital, University of Toronto 

Praise for Books Co-authored By Carles Muntaner

Erik Olin Wright-University of Wisconsin
"It should convince ...that the study of class, race, gender, ...should be at the center of the agenda of public health research in the 21st century."

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