Folks, as some of you no doubt may have heard, I am taking advantage of your tax dollars, under the auspices of the US State Dept & the Fulbright Specialist program, to encamp for March & April at the famed Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Why am I telling you this ?!?  Because in my research into this new community I have come across Mark Twain Bratislava:  a pub situated on the Danube overlooking what appears to be a replica of, or a real, riverboat!  Twainiacs in central Europe = who knew?

There is no website I can find but the photo comes from the Fabcbook page.  In case your Slovak is a bit rusty, I will happily report back to everyone upon my first extended rest stop at this evidently venerable establishment: possibly, with photos of my own.   The photo is easily found by searching the subject line above, or by following this link:

Mark Twain Bratislava - Home | Facebook<>
My, dolu podpísaní obyvatelia a návštevníci Bratislavy, žiadame Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR o zastavenie masívneho a necitlivého výrubu lesov v masíve Devínskej Kobyly plánovaného na rok 2018 štátnym podnikom LESY SR tak, aby sa zachoval prírodný a rekreačn...

Dr. Hal Bush

Dept. of English

Saint Louis University

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