Announcement of the submission system for the RKS


Dear Colleagues,


We have just opened “the submission corner” for the Review of Keynesian Studies (RKS). Everybody should be eligible for it. The corner will be operated on the procedure as seen in academic journals.

 The necessary information could be got on the following site. 


Your cooperation should be hoped for.


Editorial Committee

Toshiaki Hirai (President of the Keynes Society Japan and Editor-in-Chief) (Prof., Sophia University, Tokyo) 


2019年11月16日(土) 13:24 平井俊顕 <[log in to unmask]>:

Dear Colleagues,

 We are very glad to announce that the Inaugural Issue of the Review of Keynesian Studies has just been out.

You could visit our new English website and get the Issue.


We would be happy if you could support the Journal as well as the Keynes Society Japan, which was set up in 2011 (The 9th national conference is drawing near.)


Sincerely yours,

The Editorial Committee


Toshiaki Hirai [Editor-in-Chief and President]

 (Prof., Sophia University, Tokyo)