Dear Ross,


I would like to suggest the following books to update your reference list for your students.


Armstrong, Robert Cornell (1912) Just Before the Dawn: The Life and Work of Ninomiya Sontoku. New York: Macmillan Company.


Tomita, Kokei (2012) [1912] A Peasant Sage of Japan: The Life and Work of Sontoku Ninomiya, translated by Tadasu Yoshimoto from Tomita (1883), London, New York, Bombay, and Calcutta: Longmans Green and Co., 1912. Reprint, General Books LLCTM, 2012.


I believe that diversity is important.  The linguistic barrier is so thick between English and Japanese.






 Aiko Ikeo

 Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University

 Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan

 Email: [log in to unmask]


差出人: Societies for the History of Economics <[log in to unmask]> が Ross Emmett <[log in to unmask]> の代理で送信
送信日時: 2020年1月22日 0:20
宛先: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
件名: Re: [SHOE] Biographies of economists
Some time ago I asked members of the SHOE list to provide me with any book-length
biographies of economists that they knew. I have assembled the list I received and can
now direct you to the file.

NOTE: I did not include autobiographies, which are an entirely other genre of literature.
Perhaps I'll eventually tackle that list, although my interest here was for my students.

You will find the file here:

Of course, additions are always welcome and I'll update the next time I teach the course.
