Yes the same. He was at the time a young "art photographer," and friend of a friend, whom Clemens chose over Stedman's recommendation that he hire George C. Cox, the great Whitman portraitist. There are several artsy photos extant (Clemens lighting a cigar, most notably--try Google images), most of which Livy, at least, found "ghastly," but all agreed that this particular portrait was suitable. On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 3:30 PM Paul Schullery <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Do you happen to know if that’s Edward Ringwood Hewitt, or some other > “R.”? He is of considerable interest in other non-Twainian historical > realms. > > Paul Schullery > [log in to unmask] > > > On May 25, 2020, at 11:14 AM, Bodine, Marianne < > [log in to unmask]> wrote: > > > > I'm sorry the picture did not go through, but Harriet Smith of the Mark > Twain Project has identified it for me just now. The portrait was taken in > 1889 by Edward R. Hewitt in New York City, and was engraved by someone > named Harley, possibly John Harley. I will try to get my computer set up to > accurately send images in the future. > > Marianne Bodine > > Interpretive Resource Specialist II > > Mark Twain Birthplace State Historic Site > > 37352 Shrine Rd > > Stoutsville, MO 65283 > > Historic Site Office: 573- 565-3449 > > Fax: 573-565-3718 >