The 2nd Winter Institute for the History of Economic Thought will be conducted as a Zoom webinar, January 22-23, 2021. 


The Winter Institute offers a forum in which both early-career and distinguished scholars can meet, network, and present work in progress to an audience of engaged peers. Our primary goal is to provide a workshop setting where early-career scholars and more experienced members of the field can engage with each other’s work. We are especially committed to encouraging scholars new to the field. Of the 10 presentation spots available this year, 6 will be reserved for graduate students and scholars within 2 years of completion of their PhD. 


Our plan is to arrange all presentations over two days, as if we were meeting in person. All papers will be made available in advance to Winter Institute participants. A $500 stipend will be paid to each of the 10 presenters; a $250 stipend will be paid to 5 senior scholars who will not present at the Institute, but who will commit to reading all 10 presentation papers in advance and to participating in all sessions of the webinar program. Each session will be viewable via Zoom Webinar to anyone who registers in advance. Outside viewers will be able to ask questions about and comment upon papers using the Zoom chat feature. 


We invite proposals in any area, on any topic, from any perspective, relevant to the history of economic thought. If you would like to present at the Institute, please provide an abstract of no more than 250 words and a 2-page CV. If you are a senior scholar who would like to participate without presenting a paper, please provide only a 2-page CV. For more information or to submit your paper for consideration, please visit our website: The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2020. Notifications will be sent after October 15, 2020. Final papers will be due by January 1, 2021. 


The organizers of the ASU Winter Institute for the History of Economic Thought:


Tyler DesRoches

Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Human Well-Being, School of Sustainability

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Arizona State University


Ross Emmett

Director, Center for the Study of Economic Liberty

Professor of Economic Thought, School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership

Arizona State University


Scott Scheall

Assistant Professor of Social Science, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts

Arizona State University