I’m pleased to announce that a second audio version of “The Ordeal of Mark Twain”, Van Wyck Brooks' notorious, psychological expose, has just been released by Archive.org and Librivox.org.

For those new to Brooks’ thesis explaining the restraints on Sam’s “creativity”…here are a couple of introductory statements:

-Brooks' work "was a psychological study attempting to show that Twain had crippled himself emotionally and curtailed his genius by repressing his natural artistic bent for the sake of his Calvinist upbringing.”

-Brooks says, his (Clemens’) literary spirit was sidelined as "...Mark Twain was inducted (with the success of 'Innocents Abroad') into the Gilded Age, launched, in defiance of that instinct which only for a few years was to allow him inner peace, upon the vast welter of a society blind like himself, like him committed to the pursuit of worldly success.” 

Link for “The Ordeal of Mark Twain" <https://archive.org/details/ordealofmarktwain_2008_librivox>


Here’s a link for a recording of a NY Times review of the book, from June 27th, 1924 <https://archive.org/details/marktwain_nyt7_2005_librivox/marktwaininthenewyorktimes7_07_twain_128kb.mp3>

John Greenman
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Mark Twain Audiobooks from Librivox <https://librivox.org/reader/107?primary_key=107&search_category=reader&search_page=1&search_form=get_results>

 <http://archive.org/search.php?query=(read%20by%20John%20Greenman)%20AND%20mediatype:(Audio)>My Mark Twain audio recordings at Archive.org <https://archive.org/search.php?query=Audio+%22John+Greenman%22&sort=-downloads>

"Morality" is doing what's right regardless of what you're told!
"Obedience" is doing what is told, regardless of what is right!