Hello colleagues,


The Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG) is seeking article submissions to include in our 2021 edition of the MAIGazine. This year’s theme will be “Resilience, Optimism and Obstacles,” and we would love to hear any updates or interesting news you would like to share. Did you begin or complete an exciting project this year? What changes to your institution (good or bad) were brought on by the pandemic? Any lessons learned? Where do we go from here and what is next for your archives?


We will also be introducing a new column called “The Brag Board” where we will highlight and celebrate exciting accomplishments and milestones achieved by individuals and institutions in our community. Examples include, but are not limited to: receiving a grant, completing a special project, media mentions, new hires, retirements, reaching a career milestone, or simply shouting out a colleague for their work! We are looking for short submissions for this feature, and are excited to use this column to collectively encourage and celebrate one another moving forward.


If you are interested in contributing, please send your submissions as a Word Document to Amber Mandich ([log in to unmask]) by July 30th. If you are including photos with your submission, please send them as JPEG files. Feel free to contact Amber with any questions about submitting your article.


For information about MAIG, or to view past issues of the MAIGazine, please visit our webpage here: http://aao-archivists.ca/maig .


Thank you in advance for your submissions. We look forward to reading your articles!



The MAIG Executive – Megan, Amber, and Gina



Notice: A number of Elgin County services are unavailable at this time due to the evolving health situation (COVID-19). Please visit www.elgincounty.ca for daily updates.

