Hi everyone,


Hope you are having a pleasant start to your day. 


I wanted to share information about YWCA Canada's upcoming event on what's next for child care featuring leading gender equity advocates. We'll be reflecting on recent national and global developments and progress on the care economy. With a Federal election around the corner, we'll also be speaking to what else we should be focusing on to ensure a feminist recovery. 

Please join us on Wednesday, July 28th @ 12 noon ET - register here:



Featuring speakers:

• Martha Friendly - Executive Director, Child Care Resource and Research Unit

• Amy Juschka - Director of Communications & Advocacy, YWCA Metro Vancouver

• Chantelle Krish - Board Director with Minerva Foundation for BC Women, Strategic Advisor on Advocacy, Equity & Communications

• Amar Nijhawan - Women's Rights Policy & Advocacy Specialist, Oxfam Canada

This event will have French Interpretation and Closed Captioning.

Save The Date EN.png



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