Ciao Antonella (if I may)

An excellent survey is the book of David Gerber (2001), "Law and Competition in Twentieth Century Europe: Protecting Prometheus", Oxford. 

I can suggest also some my works: 

- Vatiero M. (2015), “Dominant Market Position and Ordoliberalism,” International Review of Economics, 62(4):291-306
Felice F. & M. Vatiero (2014), “Ordo and European Competition Law,” Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 32:147 – 157.
Vatiero M. (2010), “The ordoliberal notion of market power: an institutionalist reassessment,” European Competition Journal, 6:689-707.


On Mon, 20 Sept 2021 at 13:49, Antonella Rancan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,
Do you have any suggestions for a survey on ordoliberalism for PhD students in political science?
Thank you very much. Best,

Antonella Rancan
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
University of Molise (Italy)
Via F. de Sanctis - 86100 Campobasso