Dear all,

the Charles Gide Society for the History of Economic Thought will hold its 19th conference at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, in Paris, from the 7th to the 9th of July 2022. The topic of the conference is "Happiness and Unhappiness of the Economic Agent". You will find attached the call for paper of the conference. The conference will include special sessions dealing with the main topic of the conference from the perspective of the relation between economics and literature. The conference also welcomes communications relating to all aspects of history of economic thought and all aspects of economic philosophy.

The website is now open for abstract submissions:

We will have the pleasure to welcome two keynote speakers:

Silvia Federici (Hofstra University, New York)

Joseph Vogl (Université Humboldt, Berlin)

The conference is organized jointly by PHARE, LED and CES.

Best regards,

Goulven Rubin.
On behalf of the organizers.

Goulven Rubin

Professeur des universités
Directeur du Master Sciences Économiques et Sociales
Directeur adjoint du laboratoire PHARE

UFR 02 : École d'économie de la Sorbonne

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  Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
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3ième étage - Bureau 326
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