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For the latest updates on York University’s plan for Winter 2022 Term, please visit:  




School of Health Policy & Management

York University

Undergraduate Program Website:

From: Cathy Boyd-Withers <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 1:54 PM
Subject: Learning Skills February Workshops and Services

Dear Colleagues and Students:


February brings us back to campus at last! Here at Learning Skills Services, some in-person services resume this month while others will continue remotely:


·        WORKSHOPS: Learning Skills workshops will be offered virtually this month. Our February workshop calendar includes a range of useful topics to help students

       reach their academic goals. For details and registration information, visit the Workshops section of the LSS website. 

·        APPOINTMENTS: Students can meet remotely with a Learning Skills Peer by booking an individual Peer Academic Coaching appointment.  

·        LEARNING COMMONS WELCOME DESK:  In-person Welcome Desk service resumes February 14, replacing our Virtual Welcome Desk chat.

       Learning Skills Peers, along with Health Education Peers, will provide a friendly in-person presence:  

o   Monday-Wednesday, 2–3:30 pm 

o   At Scott Library 2nd floor Atrium, by the Learning Commons Hub  

·        ONLINE RESOURCES: We have asynchronous materials available any time of the day or night on our website, covering all Learning Skills workshop topics and more. 


Please share this information about our February workshops and other academic support services widely with students and staff in your areas. We wish you warmth and good health through the chilly days of February, and hope Reading Week will provide an opportunity for everyone to catch up and recharge.  


All the best, 


Cathy Boyd-Withers and Nicole Joron  

Learning Skills Specialists  

Learning Skills Services  

York University  


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