Forwarding on the following abstract call.


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School of Health Policy & Management

York University

Undergraduate Program Website:

From: MacDonald, Sarah <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:18 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: WIPCVH Abstract Submission Extended



We understand that uncertainty about COVID-19 may have some people concerned about attending conferences, so we have extended the deadline to submit abstracts for the World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Viral Hepatitis, which is taking place in Saskatoon, Canada and online from June 22-24, 2022. The new deadline is March 31. We would love your help getting more people involved so kindly share this with your networks!


[log in to unmask]" id="x_Picture_x0020_4" alt="A picture containing text, newspaper, screenshot Description automatically generated" style="width:4.1666in; height:4.1666in" width="400" height="400" border="0" data-outlook-trace="F:1|T:1" src="/cgi-bin/wa?A3=2203&L=BHS&E=base64&P=45021466&B=--_007_YT4PR01MB9910420DC8144ACFE80BA033AA119YT4PR01MB9910CANP_&T=image%2Fjpeg;%20name=%22image001.jpg%22&N=image001.jpg">


Sarah MacDonald, BA, MJ


Communications Officer


Pewaseskwan “The Sky is Clearing”

University of Saskatchewan

Office of the Cameco Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellness

Office: 306-966-6835 | Mobile: 306-260-0767 | [log in to unmask]

[log in to unmask]" id="x_Picture_x0020_3" alt="signature_2373919860" style="width:1.6458in; height:.8125in" width="158" height="78" border="0" data-outlook-trace="F:1|T:1" src="/cgi-bin/wa?A3=2203&L=BHS&E=base64&P=45364830&B=--_007_YT4PR01MB9910420DC8144ACFE80BA033AA119YT4PR01MB9910CANP_&T=image%2Fpng;%20name=%22image002.png%22&N=image002.png">  [log in to unmask]" id="x_Picture_x0020_2" alt="signature_3185365613" style="width:.2812in; height:.8125in" width="27" height="78" border="0" data-outlook-trace="F:1|T:1" src="/cgi-bin/wa?A3=2203&L=BHS&E=base64&P=45390482&B=--_007_YT4PR01MB9910420DC8144ACFE80BA033AA119YT4PR01MB9910CANP_&T=image%2Fpng;%20name=%22image003.png%22&N=image003.png">[log in to unmask]" id="x_Picture_x0020_1" alt="signature_1167884073" style="width:.8854in; height:.8854in" width="85" height="85" border="0" data-outlook-trace="F:1|T:1" src="/cgi-bin/wa?A3=2203&L=BHS&E=base64&P=45391232&B=--_007_YT4PR01MB9910420DC8144ACFE80BA033AA119YT4PR01MB9910CANP_&T=image%2Fpng;%20name=%22image004.png%22&N=image004.png"> 


I live, work and play on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. I pay my respects to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm my relationship with them.