Greetings! This Wednesday evening you are invited into scholar-bookseller Kevin Mac Donnell's famed Austin, Texas, collection of Twainiana (in a virtual way, of course, and for free). This is the latest in the Hartford house's spring "Trouble Begins" lecture and general gab series, organized and emceed by the redoubtable Director of Collections there, Jodi DeBruyne. Kevin's theme is “Mark Twain in the Marketplace: The Use of Mark Twain’s Name and Image to Sell Everything.” He'll cover the use of the famed Twain image to sell stuff -- and also explore his "brand" in general. Products thus promoted ranged from cigars (of course) to a stud horse. Some of the uses of his name were authorized, but apparently most were not. The virtual curtain rises at Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Registration and further info are here: Cheers, Steve Steve Courtney, Curatorial Volunteer The Mark Twain House & Museum 351 Farmington Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06105 860-302-8969