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Hello all,

Join the NCCDH next week for our last conversation in the COVID-19 Conversation Series<https://nccdh.ca/workshops-events/entry/covid-19-conversation-series-recovery-and-regeneration-in-the-face-of-overlapping-crises> entitled "Finding Hope".

Moving into summer, we turn our attention to making peace with the natural world and reconnecting with one another to seize hope. We reflect on how recent crises have endangered hope and acknowledge the challenges ahead of us. We also consider the opportunities ahead of us - opportunities to regenerate and reinvent.

This space for healing and recovery will launch collective action through the sharing of our resources, knowledge, and strengths.

Register here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpcu6grTwtHdCYqiJu50Tw-ROrFup-nbUa

Share the information page among your networks: https://nccdh.ca/workshops-events/entry/covid-19-conversation-series-part-5-finding-hope

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We hope to see you there!

Caralyn Vossen (she/her)  MScPH, BSc
Knowledge Translation Coordinator | coordonnatrice du transfert des connaissances
National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health | Centre de collaboration nationale des déterminants de la santé
St. Francis Xavier University | Université St. Francis Xavier

Email | courriel [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
www.nccdh.ca<http://www.nccdh.ca/> / www.ccnds.ca<http://www.ccnds.ca/>

Currently located in Montreal, on the traditional territory of the Kanien'kehŕ:ka. This land has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst many First Nations including the Kanien'kehá:ka of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Huron/Wendat, Abenaki, and Anishinaabeg
Travaille actuellement ŕ Montréal, sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawks), qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rassemblement et d'échange entre les nations, y compris les Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawks), la Confédération des Haudenosaunee,les Hurons-Wendats, les Abénakis et les Anishinaabes.

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