Dear SHOE list members,

I just wanted to let you know that a new set of interviews is available in the Economics: Past, Present and Future. An interview project<>.

The first two series had interviews by Geoff Harcourt, Sheila Dow, Charles Goodhart, Tony Lawson, Julie Nelson and Ha-Joon Chang and this series has interviews by K. Vela Vellupillai, Anwar Shaikh and Jayati Ghosh.  The interviews cover a number of topics -from computational economics, to the nature of capitalism and economic policy. A central aspect of the interview series is the interest in pluralism in teaching and the importance of the history of economic thought. Please find the link below:
The third edition of the interview series revolves around the theme of “Reimagining Economics”. It features interviews with Anwar Shaikh, Jayati Ghosh and Kumaraswamy Vela Velupillai.

I hope you find the material of interest.

with best wishes,


Constantinos Repapis
Lecturer in Economics
IMS, Goldsmiths
University of London