Hello Colleagues,

A friendly reminder that the Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG) is seeking article submissions to include in our 2022 edition of the MAIGazine, and the deadline is fast approaching.

This year's theme is "New Perspectives in Archives." The past few years have included many challenges for archives but we have persevered, often taking on new perspectives, either with how day to day archival work is completed, challenging old patterns and behaviours, trying new methods of "archiving", decolonizing archives, reaching new audiences, or connecting with our communities and colleagues in new ways. If this rings true for you and your institution, we would love to hear from you!

We are also accepting shorter submissions to be featured on the "Brag Board," where we highlight accomplishments and milestones achieved by individuals and institutions in our community. Examples include, but are not limited to: receiving a grant, a new acquisition, completing a special project, introducing a new staff member, retirements, reaching a career milestone, or simply recognizing a colleague for their work.

This year, we are also seeking photograph submissions to be used on the cover page. The photograph does not necessarily have to fit with the theme...we are simply looking to highlight items from our community's archival collections!

If you are interested in contributing, please send your submissions as a Word Document to Amber Mandich ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) by July 25th. If you are including photos with your submission, please send them as JPEG files. Feel free to contact Amber with any questions about submitting your article or photograph.

For information about MAIG, or to view past issues of the MAIGazine, please visit our webpage here: http://aao-archivists.ca/maig<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/aao-archivists.ca/maig__;!!Mav0l9R10enp!c7-FDr47ND2FN6SUn3Qrbdm3Lg3QOXbAtEapZdmdNMhJzVFYjlaCAQMcG14sM20xXlYHeroJsfYrjo_mm824Dsv-C1gr$> .

Thank you in advance for your submissions. We look forward to reading your articles!

Amber Mandich, MAIG Vice-Chair


Amber Mandich
Archivist Assistant
Elgin County Archives
519-631-1460 ext. 127
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