The University of Glasgow prepares to celebrate Adam Smith’s 300th Birthday
in 2023.
The University of Glasgow  is launching a Adam Smith Summer School in June
2023, offering University of Glasgow undergraduate credit to study with our
leading Smith scholar, Dr Craig Smith, at the University where Adam Smith
was a student, professor, and rector.  Participation will entitle them to
discounted tuition should they wish to pursue a Master’s at Glasgow when
they graduate.  Here is more information on the class:
that applications open in January.

Maria Pia Paganelli
Dept of Economics
Trinity University
One Trinity Place
San Antonio, TX 78212

Co-Editor of the *Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith* (with Christopher Berry &
Craig Smith), Oxford University Press, 2013:

The Routledge Guidebook to Smith's Wealth of Nations. Routledge. 2020.

President, The International Adam Smith Society. Support the IASS: