Dear shoe-list members,
I am forwarding you a message for MA or PhD students, or young academics (below 33).

A film suggests leisure, relaxation. Economics brings to mind research, a profession, studies. Films are entertaining, artistic. They trigger emotions. Economics requires a minimum of formalism that can put off, especially with variables often named after Greek letters. And yet… Could films and economics have an intersection, an alignment? It is the challenge that André de Palma (CY Cergy, Paris University) and Luc Leruth (CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand) have taken up by launching a collection of essays entitled Filmonomics. Their idea was met with about twenty renowned economists, active in the academic world, major international institutions or the private sector, contributing to the book. They chose a film and extracted its guiding economic ideas. Along the way, André and Luc forgot to actively pursue the participation of young economists. To make amends, they propose to organize a competition for the best essays written by MA or PhD students, or young academics (below 33). A jury consisting of film personalities and economists will select the three best submissions. These will be published in the book and three prizes of €600 awarded during a ceremony.

 Please send your manuscripts in French or English before March 13, 2023 to André de Palma ([log in to unmask]) and Luc Leruth ([log in to unmask]). You can write to them if you have any questions. The manuscript should not exceed 15 pages, 1.5 line spacing. It will include at most one page of references. The text will not contain any equation or graph. Its accessibility to an educated but non-specialist public will be an important selection criterion.  



President of the Latin American Society for the History of Economic Thought (ALAHPE)

Prof. Sciences économiques, UFR de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion 

Co-responsable scientifique du Pôle économie politique du laboratoire TRIANGLE UMR 5206 

Co-responsable du Master 2 Théories et histoire de l’économie dans la société

Université Lumière Lyon 2, Triangle-MSH

14 Avenue Berthelot. 69007. Lyon, FRANCE. Tél: +33 4 72 72 64 70

Twitter: @rgbetancourt

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