The History of Economics Society is accepting nominations for the Joseph
Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize (*deadline December 31, 2022*).

In 1990, the Society established an annual award for the best dissertation
in the history of economic thought and methodology in memory of Joseph
Dorfman. Historian of economics and Distinguished Fellow of the History of
Economics Society, Joseph Dorfman’s family endowed a permanent fund for
this prize. A list of past recipients can be found at <

The winner will receive a stipend of $500 plus travel expenses up to $1,000
to attend the 50th annual conference of the History of Economics Society
(June 2023 in Vancouver, Canada). All dissertations in the history of
economic thought and economic methodology, written in English and completed
during the last two years (September 2020 to August 2022), are eligible.
The selection committee will consider all nominated dissertations, with
self-nominations permitted.

The selection committee is formed this year by:

Antonella Rancan, University of Molise

Giandomenica Becchio, University of Torino

Jean-Baptiste Fleury, HDEA, Sorbonne Université.

To nominate a dissertation, please send an email notification to the Chair
(Antonella Rancan, email: [log in to unmask]) by December 31, 2022,
together with a .pdf copy of the dissertation.

Best wishes, Antonella Rancan

Antonella Rancan
Associate Professor
Chair master's degree in Political Science (LM 62)
Department of Economics
University of Molise (Italy)
Via F. de Sanctis - 86100 Campobasso