Good Afternoon Everyone,

Douglass Day is an occasion that broadens and deepens the study of Black history while celebrating the vibrancy of Black life today.
The annual event marks the birth of 19th-century African American abolitionist, writer and statesman Frederick Douglass. Douglass Day<>, as it became known, was revived in 2017 by the Centre for Black Digital Research at Penn State University and their events create new, freely available digital resources for the study of African American history.
Every year on Douglass Day, participants gather online and in person to create new digital resources that highlight an African American individual of historical significance. All materials created are made free and open to all. This year's historical figure is Mary Ann Shadd Cary (1823-1893). She was the first Black woman to publish, edit and run a newspaper in North America (The Provincial Freeman, 1853-1857) and was also an important leader of the abolitionist movement in Canada and the United States. Since 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of Shadd Cary's birth, the records of this educator, feminist, abolitionist, author, suffragette, journalist and lawyer will be the Douglass Day focus this year.

During Douglass Day 2023, participants will have the opportunity to transcribe newly digitized records by or about Shadd Cary from the Archives of Ontario and Library and Archives Canada.

The event will be held in-person and virtually on February 14, from 12-3 pm, and will be as much about building community as creating free and open resources for the study and celebration of Mary Ann Shadd Cary. In 2022, Douglass Day was attended by 4,400 people in 85 locations. We hope to see even more people at this year's event!

If you are going to be in Toronto on February 14, please come to the Archives of Ontario on Douglass Day. If you are interested in joining us in-person, click here to register<>. We will be displaying original Mary Ann Shadd Cary records as part of our onsite programming and will celebrate Frederick Douglass' birthday with cake.

If you cannot make it to our in-person event, you can participate virtually from wherever you are. Please visit the Douglass Day website<> for more information. You can also get involved by hosting a transcribe-a-thon and bringing Douglass Day to your organization, school, or community.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Hope you see you on February 14!


For more information about Douglass Day at the Archives of Ontario or to get a sneak peak at some of the material that will be transcribed, please see the attached.

For additional information on the Mary Ann Shadd Cary fonds, please see:

  *   Description of the Mary Ann Shadd Cary fonds (F 1409)<> at the Archives of Ontario
  *   Description of the Mary Ann Shadd Cary collection (MG24-K22)<> at Library and Archives Canada

Sean Smith
Senior Archivist
Archives of Ontario
(416) 566-0236

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