Hey Guys!

Scanning and organizing movie film can be a daunting task.

We've been around this list for years and been happy to help many of you with digitizing your films.  Made a number of great friends through this listserver 🙂

We are offering a free scan of 3 minutes of film for the month of February.  Soft hold your order by Feb 01.  

Even if you don't decide to use our services, feel free to reach out and we can answer any motion picture film questions you may have.

Contact us to find out how we can work together and Archive your movies before they start to deteriorate.

Friends of the AAO welcome so please share and tell them to let us know you sent them 👌

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All the best!

Justin Lovell
Cinematographer & Founder
Associate Member, Canadian Society of Cinematographers & Society of Camera Operators || IATSE 667 DP / Operator

Social: @frame_discreet || @justin_lovell
Podcast: Cinematographer Lifestyle
96 Vine Ave. Unit 1B . Toronto, ON. M6P 1V7 . 1-416-901-5332