Hi Health Studies Students, 

Happy Tuesday!

Please see the below email and the following attachments to learn more about CIHR - Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) for Summer 2023. 



Amanda Furlano 

Program Assistant/Secretary

School of Health Policy & Management

York University

Undergraduate Program Website:  http://shpm.info.yorku.ca/ 

T 416-736-2100 ext 55157


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Dear Undergraduate Students,

Please find attached information for 2023 Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

At the present time, CIHR USRA is exclusively for Black student researchers. To be eligible to apply for these awards, students are asked to disclose within the application form that they self-identify as Black and to confirm that they understand that this information will be shared with the institution to which they are applying and, if awarded, publicly. 

For further details on these awards, refer to the attached memos.

How to apply:
  1. Determine if you meet the student criteria as outlined in the document.
  2. Identify a faculty member from SHPM who agrees to serve as your Supervisor for the research.
  3. Attend an information session hosted by the Faculty of Science on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at 1:30 pm via Zoom https://yorku.zoom.us/j/92681625241?pwd=YXZibVB2bGpYdU5kYzVVNGlUQTd0dz09

    Meeting ID: 926 8162 5241

    Passcode: 777138


  4. Complete the application jointly with your identified Supervisor through the NSERC online system (information found in the attached memos).

  5. Download and submit a completed and signed application package to [log in to unmask] by Tuesday March 7. 2023.

If you have any questions about the application and/or the application process, please direct your questions to your identified faculty Supervisor or contact [log in to unmask]