Good Morning Everyone,
This is just a reminder that on February 14th, the Archives of Ontario will be participating in this year's Douglass Day<> event. This will mark a first-time collaboration between the Centre for Black Digital Research at Penn State University and institutions north of the border.
If you are in Toronto, register<> to visit the Archives of Ontario from 12-3 pm to connect with an international community of researchers and scholars and help transcribe the records of Mary Ann Shadd Cary - the first Black woman publisher in North America. The Archives will be displaying original Mary Ann Shadd Cary records as part of our onsite programming and will celebrate the birthday of abolitionist Frederick Douglass with cake.
If you cannot make it to the Archives, but would still like to participate, you can register on the Douglass Day<> website and join from wherever you are. We are excited to share that there are more than 7,000 people currently registered to attend online!
I am attaching some additional information about the event, including an agenda. If you only have a half hour to spare, this should help you decide when to attend. For those who are unable to participate on the 14th, but still interested in helping with the transcriptions or checking out the event, the portal will remain open after the event is over. The link to the transcription portal will be posted prominently on the Douglass Day website on the 14th.
For more information on how to transcribe via, visit the following link with instructions for the transcribe-a-thon<>.
If you want to learn more about Mary Ann Shadd Cary or about Douglass Day, check out Melissa Nelson's interview with Dr. Kristin Moriah, the latest episode of her podcast "Archives and Things<>."
All the best,

Sean Smith
Senior Archivist
Archives of Ontario
(416) 566-0236

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