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Amanda Furlano 

Program Assistant/Secretary

School of Health Policy & Management

York University

Undergraduate Program Website:  http://shpm.info.yorku.ca/ 

T 416-736-2100 ext 55157


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 The RGHL is co-organizing an Un après-midi de la justice conference with the University of Montreal’s Centre de recherche en droit public, on the topic of "Use of Communication Technologies in Patient Care" with Professors Ma’n Zawati and Lara Khoury, as well as McGill LLM candidate Dimitri Patrinos.


Details on the event can be found on the attached poster, on the Centre de recherche en droit public’s website, and in the short abstract included below.


This conference will take place in a hybrid format, both in person at the McGill University Faculty of Law, New Chancellor Day Hall room 202, as well as online, via Zoom (link below), on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 from 12:30-2PM.


If you plan to join in person, you may access room 202 via the Nahum Gelber Library entrance at 3660 Peel St. by following the signs once inside the Faculty.


If you plan to join via Zoom, use the following link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/86080309407?pwd=aEEwWERvZ1JXZHRwY1A4WkFpYmNSdz09 (Meeting ID: 860 8030 9407, Passcode: 574653).




Abstract: Use of Communication Technologies in Patient Care


The use of communication technologies to assist in patient care has increased significantly over the last several years. Communication technologies show great potential in facilitating and possible improving communications between healthcare professionals and institutions and patients. This phenomenon can be seen particularly with increased reliance on telemedicine to improve access to care, driven in large part by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Dimitri Patrinos (LL.M. candidate, McGill) will discuss the challenges the use of this remote model of health care delivery raises and the medical liability risks surrounding its implementation and use in clinical care. Professor Ma’n H. Zawati will present on the legal, ethical and policy challenges facing mhealth as well as research crowdsourcing apps in the field of genomics. He will discuss consent, confidentiality, and access to data issues. Finally, Professor Lara Khoury will comment on the use of web-based platforms for the public disclosure by healthcare institutions of quality indicators and their impact on healthcare safety and patient autonomy.




McGill Research Group on Health and Law | Groupe de recherche en santé et droit de McGill
Faculty of Law, McGill University | Faculté de droit, Université McGill
3644 Peel Street | 3644 rue Peel
Montréal, Québec H3A 1W9



Research Group on Health and Law 

Faculty of Law, McGill University

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