As I've been recently inspired by Matt Seybold's article on Twain and 
Douglass, I've been researching Twain's return to the Mississippi River, 
and interestingly enough I just received this notice that some of you 
might be interested in from the Library of America:

Frederick Douglass:
Prophet of Freedom

Frederick Douglass’s first recorded speech, “I Have Come to Tell You 
Something About Slavery,” inaugurated a five-decade career as the fiery, 
eloquent champion of abolition and emancipation, equal rights and human 
dignity. Join David Blight, Douglass’s Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer 
and editor of a revelatory new LOA collection, for an exploration of the 
genius of an extraordinary man who escaped slavery to become one of the 
greatest orators and writers in American history.

*Wednesday, February 15
6:00–7:00 PM ET*

Click here to RSVP <>

/This online event is free, but you must preregister to attend. /

/Unaffiliated Geographer and Twain aficionado/