My congratulations to the authors of the website. It will certainly be a very useful tool for all the work on the history of macroeconomic thought to be done from now on.

Alexandre Andrada

Em qua., 22 de fev. de 2023 às 19:59, Aurélien Goutsmedt <[log in to unmask]> escreveu:
Dear colleagues,


Alexandre Truc (Université Côte d'Azur) and I are delighted to announce the launch of a new tool: the interactive platform "Digital History of Macroeconomics". The platform allows you to navigate through the history of macroeconomics by exploring different bibliometric networks. The platform enables you to observe the importance of certain research topics or articles at different periods, the merging of different research programs, or even the macroeconomic problems that focused the attention of different research institutions.


This project was funded by the New Initiatives Fund of the History of Economics Society and the platform was developed with the support of the Digitial Humanities Platform from Université de Sherbrooke.


We hope you will find the tool interesting and useful.


Yours sincerely,



Aurélien Goutsmedt

FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher,

ISPOLE, UCLouvain (Collège Leclercq, B.227)

Managing editor of OEconomia


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