I found this in Virginia Woolf's diaries about Keynes. Interesting.
Ric Holt
 I sat in Gordon Square yesterday for an hour and a half talking to Maynard. Sometimes I wish I put down what people say instead of describing them. The difficulty is that they say so little. Maynard said he liked praise; and always wanted to boast. He said that many men marry in order to have a wife to boast to. But, I said, it’s odd that one boasts considering that no one is ever taken in by it. It’s odd too that you, of all people, should want praise. You and Lytton are passed beyond boasting—which is the supreme triumph. There you sit and say nothing. I love praise, he said. I want it for the things I’m doubtful about. Then we got upon publishing, and the Hogarth press; and novels. Why should they explain what bus he took? he asked. And why shouldn’t Mrs. Hilbery be sometimes the daughter of Katharine. Oh, it’s a dull book, I know, I said; but don’t you see you must put it all in before you can leave out. The best thing you ever did, he said, was your Memoir on George. You should pretend to write about real people and make it all up. I was dashed of course (and Oh dear what nonsense—for if George is my climax I’m a mere scribbler).”

— A Writer's Diary (Harvest Book) by Virginia Woolf

Richard P.F. Holt
Ivy Cottage
1031 Ivy Lane
Ashland, Oregon 97520