Hello fellow AAO members,

Please join the AAOEe for a tour of the Gatineau archives hub, originally planned for the spring. We hope this date is more convenient for everyone, and that we'll see you there. Registration link is below.

Date :             Thursday, October 5, 2023

Time :             6 pm

Address :        Centre d’archives, de généalogie et d’histoire de l’Outaouais

                       855, boulevard de la Gappe, Gatineau

2nd floor north (via stairs behind the security guard)

Registration:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tour-of-the-centre-darchives-de-genealogie-et-dhistoire-de-loutaouais-tickets-717388758087


With presentations by:

·         Nathalie Gélinas, from the Information Management and Archives branch of the Ville de Gatineau

·         Frédéric Laniel, from the Centre régional des archives de l’Outaouais (CRAO)

·         Jacinthe Duval, from the Gatineau Branch of BaNQ (Bibliothèque et archives Nationale du Québec)


Since 2002, the Ville de Gatineau, the Centre régional d’archives de l’Outaouais, and the Archives nationales du Québec et la Société de généalogie de l’Outaouais have formed a unique collaborative archives partnership. Through their presentations, Nathalie Gélinas, Frédéric Laniel, and Jacinthe Duval will explore the origins of the partnership and how it works in practice, as well as some of its benefits and challenges. Presentations to be followed by a tour of the archives.


Tour will be in English and French.


Maximum of 20 participants.


Parking: Free, on-site. Located at the rear of the building, accessed from Boulevard de la Cité. Additional parking is available at the Centre Slush Puppy or at the Centre sportif located across from the archives centre.

Best regards,


Claire Sutton

President, AAOEe Chapter
